This is my journey towards the LiveSTRONG Challenges in Austin. For me it is about the bike and the Challenge. Also check to see part of my story
donderdag 10 juni 2010
LIVESTRONG Manifesto - 60 second PSA
This is why for me it is about the (LiveStrong) bike
Ik ben een hele trotse LiveSTRONG Leader: lid van NL4LiveSTRONG, Team LiveSTRONG en Cyclists Combating Cancer en hard aan het werk om na jaren van gedwongen inactiviteit in vorm te komen voor een 166 km lange sponsorrit, te weten de LiveSTRONG Challenge in Austin.
I am a very proud Local LIveSTRONG Leader, member of: NL4LiveSTRONG, Team LiveSTRONG and Cyclists Combating Cancer and working very hard to get in shape after years of forced inactivity, to participate in a 100 mile sponsored bikeride, the LiveSTRONG Challenge in Austin.
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